Born and raised in Lodi, CA, John is married to Tracie and has two children, Declan and Daphne. Having been raised in a mid-sized business, his views and thought process is that of a business owner. This life experience gives John a different perspective on the creation and execution of business and the need for efficiency, planning, and tracking. This also allows him to view your situation in a different light while performing individualized analysis for insurance and financial products and services.
For the community at large, John provides work site and school site educational based presentations. As well as, educating students at Modesto Junior College, Modesto, CA, San Joaquin Delta College in Stockton, CA and Lodi Academy High School, Lodi, CA, John has facilitated the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace workshop. He specifically teaches topics in finance and insurance. These topics have ranged in complexity from an introduction and overview to specific and in-depth. Classes have covered multiple calculations in present value, future value, annuity payments, cash flow payments and other complex computations. John is usually open to additional speaking and/or educational events and activities, so if you have one in mind, give me call!
As for licenses and education, John has the following:
- State of California, Health, Life, Long Term Care, and Disability License (CA Insurance License #0B41232)
- Understanding of HIPAA rules and regulations
- Completed Advanced Seminar Presentation training with Emerald Seminars
- Completed Advanced Public Speaking training with American Express
- Completed Dale Carnegie courses in leadership and effective speaking
- Masters in Business Administration, University of Phoenix, Rancho Cordova, CA, April 2008
- Bachelor of Science, Business Administration: Finance and Insurance, California State University, Sacramento, Sacramento, CA, May 1993
- Associate of Arts, Business Administration, San Joaquin County Delta College, Stockton, CA, May 1990
Should you wish to contact John and discuss your financial situation, please call 209-339-1825 or email [email protected]
Quality Results
Our goal is to mange the downside risk that the markets may bring. As an investment philosophy, we actively manage investments based on current trends with a moderate risk outlook. The goal is to preform or even out preform the overall markets but with less risk. We take great pride in providing quality investments and insurance products along side exceptional client service every single day.
John has been in the investment and insurance industry since 1994 giving him over 29 years of experience. Though this he has seen amazing bull markets and “Maalox Moments” of bear markets. John brings a steady handed, calming, wisdom filled approach to investing while actively listening to clients and guiding them along life’s path.